Trees and shrubs
Colutea media 'Copper Beauty'
Local name: Colutea or Bladder Senna
A remarkable shrub with small round leaflets, kind of a green-blue colour. During the summer months orange/copper coloured flowers appear, they have a close resemblance with the flowers of Acontitum. After flowering, attractive large red inflated seed pods are produced. The flowering period goes on well into autumn. Only suitable for well draining soils.
Note: The plant can easily cease on soils that are too wet. The roots are not durable to constant or regular wetness.
Colutea media 'Copper Beauty'
1.50-1.75 mFlower color:
oranjeBloom time:
Juni - OktoberPruning:
Kan elk voorjaar worden gesnoeid.Show prices incl. VAT:
40-60 C3
€ 12,95
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